Do you know what?

I'm leaving it all behind!

Maybe it's an age thing! Maybe it's that I have 'Long COVID Syndrome' possibly (the video consultation will be enlightening I'm sure :))! Maybe it's because it's been 3 years since I won the battle with alcohol (yes, teetotal ever since)! Maybe it's because I'm refusing to be controlled by psychiatric meds anymore! Maybe it's my ADHD 3 year itch! Maybe the world has just become a really shit place, or should I say the human construct of society (or has it always been but we're now more aware of it?)! I really don't know!

Do you ever feel like you've had enough? You need to make changes in your life? I felt like this and as usual, sat at the piano. I used the instrument to 'reset' my frame of mind, as a bridge from one life experience to another. The result is an expressive, dynamic piece full of changes of pace and touch. The overall effect instilling an air of calm and closing of a chapter. It's mood is also positive and conveys a feeling of optimism for the future.

This piece reflects all of this. It's premise is to 'move on' to better things and leave behind all the negative baggage from before, whether this be addictions, people, jobs, relationships, whatever. A fresh start!

This piece will be released on 21st April but here's the video for it:

This video uses as a basis, a photograph taken by Alexis B from the Pexels website. I would like to acknowledge thanks to Alexis. You can find the collection here:

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