Solo Music

In the Presence of Absence

James Hawken

A famous composer once said, 'inspiration is for amateurs, the rest of us turn up and get on with it!' Likewise Nick Cave likes to work every day regardless. I turned up (at my studio, not much of an effort I know) and 'got on with it' without any ideas to start with. This piece came out!

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Folk Steps and Dreams

James Hawken

My brain told me to write a traditional dance tune in 3/4, not quite a waltz more like a Polska (Polonaise for you posh people who attend parties at the French court :)). I imagined a dance in a village hall in Poland/Nordic countries where the vodka was flowing. What emerged was something more in a 6/8 time, where if you dance really slowly the 2

My brain told me to write a traditional dance tune in 3/4, not quite a waltz more like a Polska (Polonaise for you posh people who attend parties at the French court :)). I imagined a dance in a village hall in Poland/Nordic countries where the vodka was flowing. What emerged was something more in a 6/8 time, where if you dance really slowly the 2 6/8 bars become a 2 step more akin to a Polka or Minuet. The Polka travelled to Ireland and became embedded in their traditional music so I threw in an Irish Bodhran to carry the rhythm. I had no idea what I was doing or what I've created but if you have a listen it will give you a jolly 1 minute and 15 seconds :)

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Vital Signs

James Hawken

This track is split into 3 sections: Pulsating solo piano with ambient elements, menacing and suspenseful. A calm, eerie choir section accompanied by the birds in our garden. Me getting carried away and letting out my inner rock lead guitarist (I've moved up slightly from miming with a tennis racket!). If I had hair I would be swinging it around :)

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Perfect Day

James Hawken

One of my favourite songs. Written and performed originally by Lou Reed it's been 'in me' for years. It had to come out! So, here it is!

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Cleansing Waters

James Hawken

When you're tired, how do you 'still' your mind? This time I sat at the piano and imagined the restorative nature of natural, fresh, running water. This piece emerged, off the cuff as usual. A friend, John Batey, posted a photo of a local 'beauty spot' Golitha Falls, perfect! With his kind permission I used it for the artwork.

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Lento de Malattio

James Hawken

I have been diagnosed with Post COVID Syndrome (whatever that means). Some days I feel OK, some days I don't. On this day I didn't. Quite often when I feel bad about anything my solace is the piano. This piece is the product on this occasion.

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I'm So Glad It All Went Well

James Hawken

My dystopian thinking. The human race has wiped itself out and miraculously ended up in heaven. Egotistically I imagine being the spokesman for the deceased humans and I speak to God. This is that conversation.

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